
Ranger Good Works

Hour of Code presented by Ranger Technical Resources & Ranger Good Works was a great success!

Hour of Code – December 2015

Ranger Good Works had a fan-tas-tech team show up to support us for the Computer Science Education Week and CODE.ORG Hour of Code initiative held at Dillard Elementary School. 36 Volunteers walked out of the session proudly wearing a ‪#‎BrowardCodes‬ – “I coded, did you?” sticker.

Without a doubt, every helping hand left their assigned classrooms with a smile on their face, knowing they made a big impact on our community’s children.  Learning to code and be more informed about Computer Science is critical to our youth. In today’s world, everything runs on software. The next generation will be faced with a world focused even more on the digital world than today. What we taught at Dillard Elementary was not only coding. Some lessons included computational thinking (i.e., mathematics, logic and algorithms). The instructors focused the children on problem solving in small thought out pieces to eventually solve bigger problems.  The interaction with the volunteers during this initiative gave the students encouragement that they could do anything if they put their minds to it. Coding and computational thinking are used in many different careers today.  We are proud to have been able to provide this opportunity to our chosen elementary school in the sixth largest school district in the United States *Broward County Public Schools – Ft. Lauderdale, Florida).

Thanks to a great team: Ranger Technical Resources, DHL, Broward College, Spelling City, Nova Southeastern University, Broward County Clerk of Courts, Sitters in a Second, Giant Titan, Merrill Lynch, C&I Studios and several other amazing companies.

Ranger Super Coders Club

Ilan with Super Coder

We started a technology club called the Ranger Super Coders. The club was designed for students of all ages to provide a great first experience in computer science and coding. Our volunteers donate their time and talent monthly for one hour. Our goal is to inspire the youth to build self-confidence, be innovative, and dream about their future. Please be sure to check out the Super Coder’s progress by visiting Thanks to Ranger Technical Resources, the Volunteers and Ranger Good Works for providing the 3T’s!

Click Here to see a cool video of our club.

You can make a BIG difference and educate others by spreading the word about the importance of coding in computer science and by also sharing our video on any of your social media sites. Don’t forget to tag #rangertechnical and #rangergoodworks!

Click here to Volunteer in the Super Coders Club